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    The Flag and General Officers’ Network

The Flag and General Officers’ Network (TFGON) is a 501(c)(19) War Veterans Organization formed more than 25 years ago and is comprised of more than 2,000 active duty and retired Admirals and Generals. TFGON is apolitical and is not related to “Flag Officers 4 America”.


Integrity ~ Selfless Service ~ Strategic Leadership

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HomePrograms & Benefits

Programs  & Benefits

The Flag and General Officer Network has a number of ongoing programs in place, to include:

1) Quarterly networking functions in Washington D.C.

2) Posting of resumes for those Flag and General Officers looking for new positions.

3) Posting of job availabilities for those organizations seeking to hire a Flag or General Officer.

4) The McGrail Scholar program, which supports young veterans in law school.

5) The TSA Pre-Check Program, which allows retired FOGO to enjoy pre-check privileges at no cost. 

6) FOGO - level training for membership on corporate Boards of Directors.

7) Periodic e-mail communications to all FOGO on matters of mutual interest. 

8) Access to private LinkedIn members group, request to join here: LinkedIn