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    The Flag and General Officers’ Network

The Flag and General Officers’ Network (TFGON) is a 501(c)(19) War Veterans Organization formed more than 25 years ago and is comprised of more than 2,000 active duty and retired Admirals and Generals. TFGON is apolitical and is not related to “Flag Officers 4 America”.


Integrity ~ Selfless Service ~ Strategic Leadership

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The Flag and General Officers Network is a non-profit organization with no membership dues.  It relies on the generosity of its members to stay in business.  There is no paid staff.  It costs about $10 per member per year to maintain our efforts—anything you can donate would be appreciated.  All donations are tax-deductible. Donations can be made by members on this site by debit, credit card, or PayPal. When you arrive on the PayPal checkout page you can login to your PayPal account or click the button below for making payment via debit or credit card.

Donations can be made online by clicking on one of the links below or by check. Make the check out to TFGON and mail to:

RADM James B. Godwin III, USN (Ret.)
TFGON Treasurer

562 Round Prairie Rd.

Huntsville, Texas 77320-0945

(m) (703) 201-2543


To donate: General Operation Fund
Helping to support this website and basic operations

To donate: McGrail Scholarship Fund - Click this link for details> Admiral Chuck McGrail

Many thanks in advance for your continued support of TFGON! Our Federal EIN is 61-1573910.


Help Secure the future of TFGON by remembering us in your will!


You may include a bequest to support TFGON when preparing your will or by adding a codicil to your present will. The process is quite simple and easy to accomplish. Bequests may be cash, securities, real estate or other property. Bequests of all sizes are welcome, whether they are outright, contingent, or residual, as they will ensure that support for your fellow Flag and General Officers and TFGON will continue in perpetuity.


If you are considering designating how your bequest will be used by TFGON or establishing an endowed fund through your estate plans, please contact TFGON.


Your bequest should be directed to The Flag & General Officers' Network, Inc. TFGON is an IRS authorized tax

deductible 501.c.19 official War Veterans organization. The following language may be useful to your attorney:


Specific Bequest: 
"I give The Flag & General Officers' Network, Inc., , the sum of $_____ to be used for the general support of TFGON, Inc."


Residual Bequest:
"I give The Flag & General Officers' Network, Inc., , ___ percent of the residue of my estate to be used for the general support of TFGON, Inc."


Contingent Bequest: 
"In the event that _______ predeceases me, I give The Flag & General Officers' Network, , the sum of $______ [or, alternatively, _____ percent of the residue of my estate] to be used for the general support of TFGON, Inc."


Note: This information is not intended to be legal or tax advice. We recommend that you consult with a qualified estate planning attorney when drafting your will.